, Música de El Salvador, música salvadoreña, grupos de Rock, Pop, Jaz, Salsa, Hip Hop
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Generación Latina


Descargar Llego la Salsa
3.64 MB 4947 Visitas
Descargar Descarga GL
3.15 MB 3362 Visitas
Descargar No me vengas con cuentos
Autor, Letra y musica:Fernando A Granados Arreglo Musical : Carlos Romero Generación Latina
5.93 MB 403 Visitas
Descargar Dale Para Que Vean (Mixed)
Letra y musica :Fernando A. Granados
2.34 MB 201 Visitas


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El último día del año 1994, nace en San Salvador, El Salvador, Generación Latina, un grupo de amigos unidos por la música, pero sobre todo unidos por un sentimiento común que ha sido el responsable de mantener el entusiasmo, la emoción y las ganas de seguir caminando paso a paso por el tiempo, la amistad.

Paso a Paso es el resultado de un trabajo realizado con mucho esfuerzo, que nace desde las raices de la emoción, desde lo mas profundo del sentimiento de músicos y cantantes comprometidos con su naturaleza: Gracias “Chepito” por sus inspiración y por su tiempo a pesar de sus ocupaciones. Alessandro, ha sido un verdadero regalo compartir tu talento y tu amistad.

A todos los músicos GL, de ayer y de siempre, gracias por hacer posible que la Generación camine Paso a Paso por la vida.

Hoy queremos compartir con ustedes, este trabajo sencillo pero con mucho sentimiento, que es el inicio de un camino, que esperamos nos acompañes a recorrer.
Fundación: 1994
Integrantes: 13


Contacto: Fernando Granados
Teléfono: 7936-7712, 2261-1653
Web Site:


Jennifer 29/01/2015 - 10:15:29 pm
First, you have to get a property and cauatlsy insurance license. That entails pre-licensing education credits and successfully p[censurado]ing the state exam.You won't be able to start your own agency, if that is what you are thanking. Insurance companies appoint agents to sell their products. If you don't have an agency appointment you can't sell their insurance. Companies are very picky when it comes to authorizing who will represent them. I can [censurado]ure you that they will not appoint an agent who is starting from scratch and is intending to sell insurance part time. Instead you will need to find a job as an agent with an insurance agency that already has those critical agency appointments. Learn the ropes, develop a book of business (clients) and at some point you might be able to think about starting your own agency. Maybe.Good luck and best wishes.
Open 29/01/2015 - 01:07:33 pm
It's a real pleuasre to find someone who can think like that [url=]jzqxunv[/url] [link=]iiamlpojfb[/link]
Hritika 29/01/2015 - 12:38:17 am
This has been a great journey (vicariously) with your group. Thank you for your wigilnlness to travel for the Lord and to be his feet hands and mouth. However, from reading your journals it seems that you got more out of this than anyone. Isn't that the way He works?! Look forward to seeing you both, Carl T. [url=]pxmwythczg[/url] [link=]ggncpfbn[/link]
Dipali 28/01/2015 - 08:25:31 pm
As a Canadian, you right winged Americans floor me being the only 1st world cturony that does not tend to the health and well-being of its citizens. Don`t even get me started on the right winged propaganda that is shoved down your throats about how our Canadian health care system is apparently broken and flawed . Newsflash folks it works extremely well for us. You don`t see individual Canadians going bankrupt or in m[censurado]ive debt because they can`t pay their medical bills and EVERYONE gets medical care no, there are no waiting lines, we choose our on doctors etc .But yet you think nothing of spending trillions upon trillions of dollars on war in far away lands ..Go figure. America sure does have its priorities straight now doesn`t it folks!!References :
Lucas 28/01/2015 - 07:21:45 pm
I saw the don't vote campaign and the ad is not meant to ofefnd, its saying if everything is ok then why is the noose and mentioning lynching like Bill O'Riley did to Mic[censurado]e Obama, still relevant and gas prices the way it is to the point we will make our own soldiers, U.S. citizens die in a war over oil. The president is the commander in chief and makes many important decisions like Chanel said. Its a reason why when Clinton was in office we were better than when Bush was in office, hint the president and vice president.
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