, Música de El Salvador, música salvadoreña, grupos de Rock, Pop, Jaz, Salsa, Hip Hop
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Mr. Franco


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Bienvenido al primer poyecto de Mr Franco de Real Akademia como solista...  Mr Franco Nacio en Chalatenango en 1984 y su nombre completo es Angel David Franco Lopez, Hijo de chalatecos... Comenzo su amor por el Hip Hop a muy temprana edad dando rienda suelta a su imaginacion... Es integrante de uno de los grupos mas representativos de El Salvador... Real Akademia y ahora envia rimas a todo el mundo con un proyecto en solitario...

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Descarga "LA TINTA HABLA" En los siguentes lugares:

Fundación: 2005
Integrantes: Mr Franco


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Gabby 26/02/2014 - 10:33:51 am
Stellar work there evrnyoee. I'll keep on reading.
Montu 26/02/2014 - 09:32:41 am
I may have jumped the gun in my reecnt comment to your March 24th post without first reading this most reecnt one Alex may no longer be in a facility/home where you can administer the cannabis to help him. My apologies, and regrets, if that's the case. Forcing a child to live this way by denying him the benefits of a natural plant speaks volumes about human ignorance. Cannabis clearly lacks the severe and potentially fatal side effects that the powerful pharmaceuticals he receives. The well-educated know that the FDA's approval of a drug by no means equates to safety, and by all means it usually equates to an endless list of severe side effects, some life-threatening for adults & even more for children. You should not have to have this battle and the fact that you are at this point is mind boggling. You should be allowed to administer whatever is necessary to improve his state, and the law should not have the jurisdiction to get in the way given his severe medical cir[censurado]stances. I feel tremendous sorrow for your precious little boy, and I am filled with disgust for those deliberately standing in your way to give him a better quality of life. He doesn't have to suffer this badly, yet certain members of our society are making him suffer to protect their own personal beliefs and opinions. They have no place nor right to decide for you how to best take care of your son given his profound condition. They show more comp[censurado]ion and humanity to stray animals, declaring them helpless. Your son is helpless, he is suffering, and they show no comp[censurado]ion or humanity to him by denying the one thing that has been proven to help him right now. Shame on them, they are ignorant, controlling, and barbaric; shame on them all. Your son is severely injuring himself, and society is adding insult to his injuries by denying him a proven remedy with low side-effects. Society is failing Alex in the worst way right now, and I for that I am so sorry. It is incredible of you to maintain such a positive attitude in light of this most difficult and sad situation. You are his parents, and how you are able to keep from being overcome with rage towards society for turning its back on your child and family now, I do not know. Under the cir[censurado]stances there should be an exception, one that you could take to court and win. I am not live in your state, so there's not much I can do but pray for your baby But I will also pray for those criticizing you because they really need it, I will pray for those who protect their right to force their personal beliefs & opinions on others even at the expense of a severely suffering child, I will pray for those who choose to place their own righteousness ahead of a child's most dire needs, I will pray for these individuals denying him a chance to smile, and I will pray for those charged with making the obvious exception to the rule so that your son can regain some normalcy & happiness in his young life. Their kids are healthy and happy, the least they could do is give yours some happiness and a little peace.
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