, Música de El Salvador, música salvadoreña, grupos de Rock, Pop, Jaz, Salsa, Hip Hop
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Mr. Franco


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Bienvenido al primer poyecto de Mr Franco de Real Akademia como solista...  Mr Franco Nacio en Chalatenango en 1984 y su nombre completo es Angel David Franco Lopez, Hijo de chalatecos... Comenzo su amor por el Hip Hop a muy temprana edad dando rienda suelta a su imaginacion... Es integrante de uno de los grupos mas representativos de El Salvador... Real Akademia y ahora envia rimas a todo el mundo con un proyecto en solitario...

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Descarga "LA TINTA HABLA" En los siguentes lugares:

Fundación: 2005
Integrantes: Mr Franco


Nibert 29/01/2015 - 01:26:24 pm
I don't know why this brought tears to my eyes. Not tears of saedsns; I'm not sure what they were for. I have 2 daughters aged 4 and 2 and have quite some time to go before dealing with teens. It is something that I am somewhat intimidated of. Perhaps seeing it through your eyes gave me a bit of hope... You have such a lovely daughter and it is my sincerest hope that my daughters will have that one amazing friend, too.On a side note, I sure hope my girls will enjoy cooking! I was never the type and I struggled with it since being out on my own, but especially since I've been married (10 years now!). I've finally kind of made sense of it all within the last few months with menu planning and reading some America's Test Kitchen books. Blogs like yours have helped me to find a "place" where I can cook and manage a home. Phew! So thank you for that, as well! [url=]ehxwjmecef[/url] [link=]chernic[/link]
Maahi 29/01/2015 - 01:50:52 am
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Melvin 29/01/2015 - 01:09:23 am
STAY AWAY FROM UPSCALE PHARMACY!!!! I was [censurado]aulted by the guy who runs the phacmary. He apparently thought I had shoplifted abox of tampons from there and followed me into Whole Foods across the street. He told me to produce the tampons, at which point I told him I hadn't taken them and insisted that we return to his store where I could show him the box and the contents of my purse. Even after returning to the store and emptying my bag and discoverng the tampons on the shelf, he still insisted that I had taken them. It was at this point that I noticed that he had cameras in the shop and told him to show me the video of me shoplifting, which he claimed to have. It was at this point thathe led me to look at the monitor in the area where prescriptions are filled. It was at this point that it dawned on him that he may not be sure of his allegations and pushed me out the way, hitting my face and breaking my nail in half.Editor's note: And it's at this point that I must say, The above claim has not been verified. JD (Aug 5, 2009)
Magiclifestyle 28/01/2015 - 09:07:32 pm
My husband and I were both a lltite nervous about taking professional pictures. After all, it had been almost 7 years, since our wedding, that we had done a photo shoot together and we were not impressed with those. We had seen some of the work that Chris and Angela had done and really liked their style.Once we arrived at the shooting location our nerves were quickly put at ease with their laid-back and fun personalities. We were not only put at ease, but we had a great time doing the photo shoot. Chris and Angela were quick to get the pictures edited and up online for us to see and we could not have bee more happy with the results. Lucky Pro Photography will always be our number one choice for pictures. Thanks again you two!
Adrienne 28/01/2015 - 08:49:30 pm
I would take it by yourself as it rlelay doesn't make you high. It takes about 45 minutes for you to rlelay feel the full effects which is basically just a careless attitude and relaxation. I wouldn't drink alcohol with it as that will just make you want to go to sleep. Weed would be ok, but be prepared to do to sleep within about 2 hours afterwards. think more ambien than xanax.
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