, Música de El Salvador, música salvadoreña, grupos de Rock, Pop, Jaz, Salsa, Hip Hop
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Daniela Hernandez


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Danielita Hernandez es la cantante mas joven en el medio salvadoreño(12 años), su carrera dio un giro enorme despues de su participacion y triunfo en Codigo Fama El salvador 2005 que la acredito para participar por el Codigo Diamante en TElevisa Mexico, en la cual resulto estar entre los 10 finalistas. Hoy por hoy Daniela sigue sonando en las radios de nuestro pais con mucho exito y en cada una de sus presentaciones logra acaparar la mirada del publico.

Discografía: Zas-kaboom y Vuelve a nacer


Contacto: tcs
Teléfono: 22092049
Web Site: y


Miral 25/02/2014 - 01:41:33 am
What a wonderful otnirpupoty for anybody in the area. Sri Jatin Das has been an amazing influence on Indian art and his work resonates with emotion and a sense of crisis and revelation as he uses his art to create a lense to examine human relationships.
Bob 24/02/2014 - 05:13:11 pm
Yeah, I can see that but the guy in the back clearly has a track bike, and jnidgug by the fact that the guy on the left has only front brake on his unwrapped drops, I'd say he's also riding fixed.
Jatin 24/02/2014 - 03:50:27 pm
Engaged fans are always the more imopatrnt kind of fans but you rarely see people joining a lonely account. Having an account with large numbers of fans and likes can entice people to follow along and become engaged, I've always found that buying Facebook likes is the best route.
Joyce 24/02/2014 - 09:50:50 am
Thanks for this tutorial I got stuck in some parts, slpaicley on step 23 and also I skip or did some steps a bit different (layer order) but result was almost the same (except for the glow above the mountain) anyway Im happy to be able to do this without much issue since I started learning photoshop one month ago. tks again, Adriano!
carlos castle 23/07/2012 - 03:59:38 pm
descargar mp3
donde puedo descargar esas canciones en especial la de vuelve a nacer es super esa cancion dojanme porfa donde la descargao!!!!
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