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LVMH-owned Veuve Clicquot sent a branded [url=]Replica Handbags Uk[/url] truck around the United States and encouraged individuals to send hand-written letters to friends and family. The signature yellow truck honored Madame Clicquot, the woman who helped create the brand, and her [url=]Replica Chanel[/url] letter writing style behind the business. The truck traveled the U.S., bringing awareness to the brand and the unique packaging style the brand has adopted. The mail truck hosted a special photobooth, food, a live DJ and Veuve [url=]Replica Handbags UK[/url] samples. The truck also encouraged visitors to write and mail a letter. The journeys of the truck could be followed on the brand’s Twitter and Instagram page. People who saw the truck in transit were encouraged to upload [url=]Replica Handbags[/url] pictures to Instagram and tag the brand’s handle. The brand also used the hashtag #ClicquotMail to encourage fans to post on social media. |